Magic, Music and A Special Way of Listening!
in Sedona, Arizona
on Friday March 22nd from 4:00 to 5:30pm
at The HUB, Posse Grounds Park
Children ages 4 - 12 and parents are invited
Colorado author Lisa Dancing-Light will share songs and read her new environmental children’s book, A SONG AND STORY OF MAGIC MOUNTAIN®. As an educator and composer, Lisa is passionate about weaving music and movement with the healing power of nature. Adults and children will preview simple songs from the Magic Mountain® Musical celebrating themes of waking up, cultivating a special way of listening and celebrating the beauty of nature in a changing world.

Magic Mountain® is a story about a talking mountain that goes to sleep because people stop coming to hear his stories. When two children come to camp with their parents in the valley of Magic Mountain®, they learn about Magic from a wise old owl and decide to journey up the mountain to see if they can awaken him and hear his stories.
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